The last six months on sabbatical has been a good break from the stresses and daily/weekly routines of work, particularly in the heavy and difficult world of counter-trafficking work. Taking a solid break from all of the issues allowed me time to rest and breathe and reflect. I’m very grateful for your support that enabled me to do that.

Emerging from Sabbatical, it’s difficult to encapsulate the amount of change that’s taken place over the last six months. Not just with Relentless (and me personally), but also within the counter-trafficking movement, and throughout the world. Radical change is happening all around.

During the course of the sabbatical it became clear that one huge change for Relentless was necessary. Relentless has moved the base of operations from Berlin, Germany to Indiana, USA. There are myriad reasons for this – a lot of had to do with the post-pandemic geopolitical landscape that emerged. Some of the reasons have to do with the medical practice situation and other limitations in Germany (unrelated to Covid19).

This move, while saying goodbye to some dreams, is bringing new possibilities. It is a very exciting time for Relentless! The foundational mission and values of justice, integrity, compassion, and service remain solid. Relentless operates according to the goals to care, educate, and thrive. How these are implemented to life will take on a different shape. Relentless wants to move you into a more active role, to engage you in the work that Relentless is already doing.

  1. Educate: Community engagement

Relentless has been diligently carrying out activities WITH your help. Now, Relentless wants to DIRECTLY ENGAGE help and input.

  • Establish a Locals Community to learn through open discussion and sharing ideas and questions with each other. Here we can interact, invite, and engage. The community will lean on “lead learners” to guide dialogue, research, and development.
  • Continuing the “Doctor Is IN!” podcast series
  • Develop a more robust social media presence
  • Network with other physicians, clinics, and hospitals to equip health professionals in leveraging their skills against human trafficking.
  1. Care/Thrive: Prevention
  • Human trafficking can be prevented and Relentless will be exploring ways to disrupt and interrupt the process that by which people are caught up in trafficking, whether as victims or perpetrators.
  • One key factor is to engage the wider society (that’s YOU!) about problems and solutions and work way upstream to address those factors.
  • Explore issues such as gender, addiction, and other current topics that contribute to vulnerabilities.
  1. Care/Thrive: Direct care
  • Katherine, with no licensing restrictions, will be able to be much more involved in the direct care of survivors, as well as addressing the upstream risk factors that might be present in patients’ lives.
  • We’ll seek out, visit, and network with as many counter-trafficking programs and assistance programs as possible to offer services.
  1. Administration and Funding
  • Katherine will be working in a primary care clinic but devoting part-time to Relentless activities. This structural change necessitates out-sourcing of work such as social media, website management, podcast production. The bad news is that more funds will be needed to pay for this, the good news is that it will be more professionally handled.
  • Your generosity and financial participation is appreciated! This work cannot be done without you!

Relentless is refreshed and we are very excited to explore all the options envisioned above as well as discover others yet unrealized. We are also very glad to have you engaged and involved. When the Locals Community is up and running, you will be the first to know! 

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Relentless through the contact form or email me directly.

I look forward to seeing you around!


A video version of this is available on my YouTube channel.