CheckPoint Newsletter 3rd & 4th Quarter 2020

CheckPoint Newsletter 3rd & 4th Quarter 2020

Dear friends, I hope that this finds you safe and sound and surrounded by people you love this time of year. This year has definitely presented some interesting, challenging, and difficult times, but hopefully there were some joyful and peaceful times as well. Here is...
Loverboys and Sex Trafficking Prevention

Loverboys and Sex Trafficking Prevention

In this interview with Shannon, the Executive Director and co-Founder of Netzwerk gegen Menschenhandel (Network against Human Trafficking) and the project Liebe ohne Zwang (Love without Coercion) we discuss her organization’s innovative efforts to prevent sex...
Prostitution and COVID in Germany

Prostitution and COVID in Germany

For this webinar I interviewed my colleague Rhonda who is the director of an organization that helps women exit prostitution in Germany. I think you’ll get much more from the video interview, but here I provide a summary and paraphrasing of our conversation with some...