It’s been nearly twenty-one years since I first landed in Thailand to begin what has become a quite adventurous career in cross-cultural medical service. I’ve recently been evaluating my work, Relentless, and the changing scope of counter-trafficking activity. Restrictions related to the Covid-19 pandemic significantly impacted the shape of my work. It’s been a struggle to figure out how Relentless will continue to meet the needs of survivors as well as support my colleagues in this movement.

Going for two decades without taking a significant break has taken a toll. With the changing times, and even in the midst of new possibilities, it is a perfect time to step aside from Relentless’ work for a while. Beginning in October I’m planning on taking a sabbatical for approximately six months.

A sabbatical is a period of time to disengage from regular daily work to allow for intentional evaluation of life and work. This means that I will not be doing anything related to counter-trafficking work, medicine, or any other related activities. However, sabbatical is not a vacation! In fact, it’s a structured, supervised time to intentionally replenish and regroup for the future.

This means that I won’t be posting any newsletters, doing any speaking or workshops or hosting any webinars or recording podcasts in the near future. However, you will have plenty of time to catch up on the ones that I’ve already posted. You can find these on my YouTube channel, my Podbean Channel, or read the blog posts. All other information can be found here on my website.

I’m so GRATEFUL to all who have graciously given to support my work! It means a lot! Although I’m taking a break from regular work, your generous support is still vital to me being able to take this sabbatical and continue the work in the future!