I spent seven weeks in Europe in private consultations, training seminars, and presenting workshops in five countries, and ten cities, involving twelve organizations (plus representatives from other organizations at seminars). Training themes included “trauma-informed care”, “essential components of health care for counter-trafficking organizations”, health and human trafficking for health care professionals, HIV-related topics, and caring for yourself and your staff. Each encounter was a rich and fruitful experience – I hope that the learners gained as much as I did as a teacher!


Country Highlights


·       Returning to counter-trafficking organizations and colleagues in Aschaffenburg, Berlin, and Stuttgart. Pink Door in Berlin opened up their aftercare shelter for trafficked women since my visit last year. We were able to share challenges, explore new strategies, and fill in gaps. Very exciting to see what is going on there!


·       I met with a new partner, although they are not new to this work. HeartWings reaches out to trafficked sex workers in Zurich and facilitates their transition to a life of wholeness. I met Thai women as well as others from around the world. I’m inspired by the work of HeartWings and look forward to collaboration in the future.


·       I had the privilege of working with a new organization that is planning to incorporate health care into their outreach and prevention programs. The story of Lisa above happened during my time there.


·       Through great collaboration, Relentless and Set Free Foundation completed filming of online educational webinars! These training modules introduce the concepts of the intersection of health and human trafficking and how assistance programs can be better equipped to address health care challenges of trafficked people. We are now in post-production phase – stay tuned for more information! ·       Another highlight was the privilege of spending a day teaching a group of police officers and another day training health care professionals about trauma-informed care and self-care.


·       I spent a week in Oradea with Abolishion and People to People presenting workshops to shelter workers, health professionals, and social workers. I am very much looking forward to returning there!


Thailand Projects Continue

Jessica and Watt continued to present workshops after the long Thai Songkran holiday in April. In May they presented 8 workshops and training sessions! Jessica then headed back to the USA where she will begin her Masters of Public Health Program.

Soon after Europe Katherine spent another week in Bangkok working with various organizations helping them integrate health and wellness into their assistance programs. Some of the work included: 1) a free clinic for those in sexual exploitation, 2) a workshop on reproductive health for an organization reaching out to homeless  and street-based youth, 3) training new staff of a transitional home for trafficked women.




In May, The Lancet Global published a commentary by Brian Willis, Saki Onda (colleagues at Global Health Promise) and I on the health problems suffered by prostituted women and their children. These children are unfortunately a neglected population but this awareness piece is a step in the right direction. Please read our call to action!


A huge thanks to all of you who take interest in and support Relentless in this important work!