Many times I get asked by people about what they can do or where they can go to get more information. This is a great question and one that I love to answer! I love to get people reading, especially material that I think is worth your time and effort. Before going out and doing something, it is generally a good idea to spend some time getting immersed in a topic (by reading, listening, observing)  in order to better inform your actions.

I’ve put together a short list (see below) of recommended reading material of books, manuals, articles, and websites for your perusal. This is not exclusive, and it leans a bit to the health care side of the issue, but I can help direct you to other reading here is, as I said, much more out there about justice, health care, and human trafficking. The US State Department annual Trafficking in Persons Report is published annually in June and can help you figure out what is going on in a particular country (from the US government’s point of view, anyway).

It is important to understand that trafficking in persons is a complicated topic weaving issues of poverty, migration, prostitution, gender, law enforcement culture, and others together in a mess of exploitation and evil. Welcome to the big picture!

It is becoming more and more difficult to stay on top of all the publications that are being put out now, but here are a few I recommend.


Haugen, Gary (1999) Good News About Injustice. Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press.

Corbett, S. and Fikkert, B. (2009) When Helping Hurts. Chicago, IL: Moody Publishers.

Bales, Kevin (1999). Disposable People: New Slavery in the Global Economy. Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press.

Andrea Di Nicola, et al. 2009.  Prostitution and Human Trafficking; Focus on Clients. Springer Science, New York.

Malarek, Victor. The Johns, Sex for Sale and the Men Who Buy It. (2009) New York: Arcade Publishing.

Bales, Kevin ed. (2004) New Slavery Reference Handbook 2nd Ed. ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara.

Lloyd, Rachel. Girls Like Us. (2011), New York: HarperCollins.


Caring for Trafficked Persons, Guidelines for Health Care Professionals. IOM. Geneva. 2009.

Physicians & Dental CME: Christian Medical Dental Associations Trafficking in Persons Online Training Modules.

Guide to Ethics and Human Rights in Counter-Trafficking. Ethical standards for counter-trafficking research and programming. UNIAP, Bangkok, Thailand 2008

UNGIFT knowledge hub

Terres des Hommes International Federation

Trafficking in Persons Report. US State Dept 2013.

Moving Upstream: The Merits of a Public Health Law Approach to Human Trafficking. Todres, J. Georgia State University College of Law, Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2011-02. Online:

“I Thought It Could Never Happen To Boys”, and “What About Boys?” (both searchable on the web)

Stolen Smiles: A summary report on the physical and psychological health consequences of women and adolescents trafficked in Europe. Zimmerman C. LSHTM, European Commission’s Daphne Programme, Int’l Organization for Migration 2006.

Turning Pain Into Power: Trafficking Survivor’s Perspectives on Early Intervention Strategies. Family Violence Prevention Fund in partnership with the World Childhood Foundation, March 2005.

Human Trafficking and the Healthcare Professional. Barrows, J., Finger, R. Southern Medical Journal. 2008; 101(5): 521-524.

Identification of human trafficking victims in health care settings. Susie B. Baldwin, David P. Eisenman, Jennifer N. Sayles, Gery Ryan, Kenneth S. Chuang © 2011 Baldwin, Eisenman, Sayles, Ryan, and Chuang. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License.

Websites/Online Resources

Chab Dai Resources:

Love 146

First Step Cambodia resource page:

Faith Alliance Against Slavery and Trafficking

Polaris Project: