In this interview with Shannon, the Executive Director and co-Founder of Netzwerk gegen Menschenhandel (Network against Human Trafficking) and the project Liebe ohne Zwang (Love without Coercion) we discuss her organization’s innovative efforts to prevent sex trafficking of young people through leading workshops in schools. I always learn something from Shannon and I’m sure you will as well! Please check out the video here and please subscribe to my channel.

Short of writing a complete transcript, there is too much to unpack from this webinar to condense it into a blog post. We discussed various topics surrounding sex trafficking of young women. Most important is primary prevention through leading youth through a curriculum that addresses the roots of vulnerabilities. Their program is interactive and aimed at true prevention and behavior change, not just passing along information. For example, the program leads students through examining values and healthy relationships. We also discussed Loverboys and their insidious coercive tactics to get girls to do what they want. Loverboys have certain ways of manipulation and target young women with certain characteristics – but not in the ways that we might assume.

Shannon also discussed some ways you can identify Loverboy tactics and help those you suspect are in the grips of a Loverboy. Although this organization is based in Germany, sex trafficking and exploitation among youth is global problem. The principles and methods to prevent it also have practical applications worldwide. This program is outstanding and I’d like to see it translated into English or other languages. If you would like to help underwrite this translation project, please reach out to me. 

This was the last webinar of the year but you can catch up on the previous videos on my YouTube channel, or read the blog posts to learn more about cutting edge topics about human trafficking. All the info is here on my website. And please like and share!